Thursday, April 26, 2012

Athletics Meeting of My School

Today, my school had athletics annual meeting at MBPJ Stadium. The meeting divided into three sections, march-past, gymrama and athletics. This meeting involved the whole school.
I'm in Boys Brigade, but I didn't take part in the march-past, which uniformed units also take part, because I'm new and I haven't get my uniform. The march-past is participated by all 4 houses, red, blue, green and yellow, and uniformed units.
I'm in Boys Brigade, so all the members. including me, must help the teachers-in-charge.
I help the tele-match, keep the tents, cones after the meeting.
I thought only houses can get the march-past trophy, but actually uniformed units also have the chance to get a trophy! But just participating with other uniformed unit.
Here's the result: (I'm in red house)

  1. Gymrama: Red House Champion
  2. Athletics: Red House Champion
  3. House March-past: Blue House Champion
  4. House Overall: Red House Champion!!!
  5. Uniformed Unit March-past: Boys Brigade Champion
I'm so happy! I got 4 Champions!

P.S. Red House haven't get first last 14 years!

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